In the 3rd week of August the NPRG hosted the BC Wildlife Federation’s Wild Kidz Camp for the 2nd year in a row. During the 5 day event the youth are exposed to and participate in activities that will hopefully foster a life long interest in the outdoors, wildlife management, and conservation issues. This year the camp consisted of 32 enthusiastic youth ranging in age from 8-13yrs of age.
Staff for the camp is made up of full-time employees of the BC Wildlife Federation, volunteers from the Canadian Conservation Corps, and volunteers from the community who have skills in the various disciplines.
This year the participants experienced a full week of activities covering topics such as, Archery, Indigenous Knowledge, Cetaceans(marine mammals), First Aid, Invasive Plants, Cervids (antlered animals), Wetlands & Invertebrates(no spinal column), Knots & Shelter Building, Climate Change, Fishing, Pollinators, Orienteering, Conservation Project (Marten Nesting Boxes), plus a Range Day of .22LR positional shooting.
The week was capped off with an Archery Competition and a BBQ open to the camp participants, their families and the volunteers.
This event was greatly supported by BC Hydro, Backcountry, the Min of Natural Resources, the FSJ Trappers Association and the North Peace Rod & Gun Club.