Turkey Shoot Update
For our 1st Annual Christmas ORPS Turkey Shoot we did not experience a finger numbing freezing day! A total of 13 shooters were out to enjoy the event shooting the following stages – Barrel KYL Rack, Twisted Double Taps, Y’all love that one!, Highs Lows, Tired Tower. A total of 52 rounds were fired through the 5 stages for a possible score of 520. The scores achieved ranged from a high of 430 – 160. For this event shooters times were recorded but did not factor in on the overall scores. All shooters stated knowing what ammunition your firearm likes best makes a huge difference. Being comfortable and steady from shooting off various props or using a bipod or sling is of course another great asset!
Those present are committed to this event and look forward to the New Year when the shoots will continue. Discussion will be held with other Clubs in the region to coordinate ORPS events in the various communities. We are looking at joining the National Group which will allow locals to ‘compete’ with others across the country. At that time participants will be broken into different categories – Production or Open, depending on the cost of the firearm they are using. For a breakdown list for 2023 see the attached .pdf document.
Some Happy participants left with some goodies to help them out over the Christmas Holiday Season:
Overall Winner – Roy
2nd Place – Tyson
Hidden Prize – Colton
Random Draw – Nathan
Random Draw – Grayson (not shown in the picture).
Thank you to those who travelled to this event from out of town! We hope to return the favour in the New Year!
We look forward to seeing the current crew and new individuals in the coming year! If you would like further information don’t hesitate to reach out to the Club and we will get the coordinators to call you back.