B.C. Moose Tracker is an official Government of British Columbia app that allows hunters to play an important part in moose conservation and management.
The app, available through iTunes, lets users upload information on the number, sex and location of moose they encounter in the wild directly to a province-wide database. The collected data helps monitor moose populations and alert wildlife staff to emerging issues.
The app supports the government’s ongoing efforts to strengthen the provincial moose management strategy through the modernization of licensing, inventory and research methods.
As an added bonus, the app includes a digital version of 2016-2018 Hunting & Trapping Regulations Synopsis. It’s an indispensable, searchable summary of hunting seasons and regulations throughout B.C. – including interactive maps.
The Province developed B.C. Moose Tracker in consultation with the B.C. Wildlife Federation and with the financial support of the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation.
Compatibility: iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch , iOS 7.0 or later.
BC Moose hunters spend many hours, days, and weeks each year observing wildlife. These hunters are keen observers and frequently want to share the observations they have with wildlife managers. Ministry biologists are now teaming up with BC hunters through the BC Wildlife Federation to gather this important information to help benefit moose management.
BC Moose Tracker allows hunters to record their observations of moose (number of bulls, cows, calves), their location (management unit) and effort (hours/day) while hunting. The data can be collected at any time during the hunting season (within or out of cell and WiFi range) and can provide another source of valuable information to provincial biologists to track trends in moose populations.
Accurate reporting is essential. The information you provide will be used in two ways: 1) as an index of population size (number of moose seen per hour) that can be compared from year to year; 2) to calculate standard demographic ratios (bulls:100 cows and calves:100 cows) within the population.
Please record information for every day that you are hunting. It’s important to record information even if you don’t see any moose some days.
When possible the data collected by the BC Moose Tracker application will be calibrated against aerial surveys that occur within a management unit.