As of May 14th, 2020, Recreation Sites will be open for Day-use only.
Camping at most recreation sites is currently expected to begin on June 1, 2020.
Please see the attached Notification for further details regarding this re-opening.
These have been frustrating and confusing times for everyone and the public’s patience, understanding, and support is appreciated in working through this all.
The following is a quick summary of what this change in direction means for you as Site Users below.
Day-use Means:
- Includes day use activities normally associated with recreation sites and trails, where social distancing protocols can be accommodated.
- Day use permitted during day-light hours only (Dawn-Dusk).
- No overnight camping, or occupation of a recreation site when closed, is allowed
- Visitors are expected to take responsibility for their own health and safety (e.g. social distancing, frequent hand washing or sanitization, staying home when unwell, etc.)
- Signage will be posted at all of major sites.
Facilities opened for day-use:
- Pit toilets
- Picnic tables
- Benches
- Trails
- Viewpoints
- Beaches
- Boat launches
- Docks
- Staging Areas
Areas/ facilities to remain closed:
- Backcountry cabins and shelters
- Picnic shelters (Moose Lake, Duhu, & Toad River).
User Responsibility:
- Follow physical distancing requirements
- Wash or sanitize hands frequently
- Bring own hygiene products (e.g., hand sanitizer)
- Take personal responsibility for their own safety
- Refraining from touching surfaces unnecessarily
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