There seems to be some confusion that moose reduction using antlerless moose LEH authorizations as part of caribou recovery is occurring in 7B — not true at this time. The extra LEH authorizations that might be available (still no final decision) are in the Revelstoke area. The parsnip area has had higher LEH antlerless moose authorizations related to caribou recovery for quite a few years now and there is no significant change planned for this coming season. Most of the areas of the province where there are moose hunting opportunities have antlerless LEH authorizations set as 1 authorization, mostly as a placeholder so that we ever do get some good news around moose numbers it would facilitate having that LEH season in the future i.e. eliminating any opportunities now make it nearly impossible to reinstate in the future.
The August any bull moose season south of Chetwynd continues with an opening date of Aug 15th, unlike the rest of the agriculture zone in 7B, which now starts a week later or is in the process of having the August any bull season eliminated. Keeping the opening date at August 15 in the Chetwynd area is related to caribou recovery and a what seems to be an increasing number of moose because of five plus years of aggressive wolf removal.
Here are some links and files with info related to the antlerless moose LEH authorizations controversy:
Jesse Zeman Facebook Post:
Doug Donaldson Op-Ed
The BCWF’s Jesse Zeman spoke to Mike Smyth about managing moose and the controversy over expanded Limited Entry Hunt tags for antlerless moose. Listen to the archive which includes an interview with Kamloops North MLA Peter Milobar at 11:06 and Jesse Zeman at 11:21 am.
Listen to the archive for June 08, 2020
Click on the link above and then you have to choose June 8 and 11 AM — you can then start playing the audio file and click along the timeline to about 6 min in.
Click on segments and you will see one on June 9 talking to a fellow who has started a petition and June 10 Jen Psyllakis, Director of Wildlife
Joint BCWF/GOABC Letter to Minister Donaldson on Caribou Recovery