BC’s Wild Sheep & Mountain Goat Natal App

Photo of a mountain sheep ewe with lambs.

 The Provincial Wild Sheep and Mountain Goat Program, led by government biologist Bill Jex, has partnered with conservation minded organizations and individuals to develop a current observation-based dataset of wild sheep and mountain goat natal range timing and use. The web-based and smartphone supported survey platform was developed in-house by Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations & Rural Development staff and rolled out in April 2020. The app has allowed all conservationists to participate and add their observations of wild sheep and mountain goat parturition (lambing and kidding) events and natal range use. This collection of data will inform and support BC’s Regional Biologists when making important decisions as they consider the effects of changing climates and other environmental and human pressures that influence wild sheep and goat conservation.

The BC Wildlife Program is seeking information about your observations of Mountain Goat, Thinhorn Sheep and Bighorn Sheep. Most importantly, observations that record the location and presence of newborn kids and lambs, along with later observations of nanny/kid and ewe/lamb groups throughout the year are needed to inform management efforts for these species. All observations of these animals should be recorded using this form for consistent data collection. This observation record is important to Ministry Wildlife staff to enable development of an index of observations over time and will enable “citizen science” to inform important species management and land use decisions. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

More information including how to get app.