Monthly Meeting and CWD Presentation

The October meeting of the North Peace Rod and Gun Club will be on Monday October 26, 2020, 7 PM at the clubhouse.

Join Regional Chronic Wasting Disease Coordinator Brian Paterson for a presentation about Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance in BC. The presentation will include background information about CWD and an overview of provincial CWD surveillance efforts with a focus on the ongoing surveillance program in the Peace Region. Also learn how hunters are critical to the success of this program and how you can help keep BC CWD free by submitting heads of harvested deer, moose, and elk to the program.

Join Regional Chronic Wasting Disease Coordinator Brian Paterson for a presentation about Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance in BC. The presentation will include background information about CWD and an overview of provincial CWD surveillance efforts with a focus on the ongoing surveillance program in the Peace Region. Also learn how hunters are critical to the success of this program and how you can help keep BC CWD free by submitting heads of harvested deer, moose, and elk to the program.