With the opening of mule deer season again on November 1, this is a reminder that it is important for hunters to submit as many samples from deer for chronic wasting disease (CWD) testing as possible. To date, there have been no confirmed cases of CWD in BC, but a big effort needs to be made in order to provide enough samples to result in a high degree of confidence in saying that there is, or is not, CWD in BC. Mule deer bucks in south eastern Alberta seem to be the most significantly impacted of all the “deer family,” but samples from white-tailed deer, mule deer, elk, caribou, and moose are being tested here in BC as they are all susceptible.
The North Peace Rod and Gun Club is offering a hat or toque for any head that is turned in at the club. There are also some great prizes being offered through a draw for anyone who turns in a head in the North Peace (Draw Details) and a similar draw in the South Peace.
Yes you can submit a sample for testing and keep the antlers and cape, and other pieces needed for a head mount or European Mount. (Instructions)
CWD Fact Cards
Drop-off locations:
- North Peace Rod and Gun Club, 13330 Sunnyside Drive, Fort St John, 250-785-9686
- Peace Vale Meat Shop, 10951 – 255RD, Baldonnel 250 329-7268
- Ministry of Forests Lands Natural Resource Operations, Fort St. John, 100-10003 110 AVE. FSJ, 250-787-3415
- Stan’s Custom Meat Cutting, 5014 238 Road, Baldonnel, 250-263-5875
BC Government’s Chronic Wasting Disease Website
BC Government’s CWD News and Resources
What Hunters Should Know About CWD (CIDRAP – Centre of Infectious Disease Research and Policy)
Nick Pinizzotto of the National Deer Alliance and Quality Deer Management Association led a webinar on the topic of hunting and CWD. The presentation can be viewed at: https://youtu.be/ZO_wN6aoSNc |