2021 Oilmen’s Trap Shoot Photo Album

The Fort St. John Petroleum Association’s 38th annual trap shoot was held Saturday, July 10th. We started at 8:00 and shot 100 singles followed by 50 handicap.

This years high team was Rapid Wireline with a score of 658 out of 750. And second high team was Redneck Communications with a score of 632. This year’s high overall was Garth Willson with a score of 139 and he was the receipt of a beautiful print donated by unforgettable memories.

The petroleum association would like to extend it gratitude to the North Peace Rod and Gun club for allowing us to hold over event at the range. I would like to thank everyone who shot in this year’s trap-shoot as well as all the sponsors who made it happen. See you all next year.

Sincerely Nicholas Wik, Chairmen FSJPA Trap-Shoot.